cannot sleep at night for worry 意味
- <→CAN'T sleep at night for worry>
- cannot cannot 切れ無い 切れない きれない 兼ねる かねる
- sleep 1sleep n. 睡眠; 永眠, 死; 静寂. 【動詞+】 She gaped at us, her eyes blinking away
- night night n. 夜, 一夜; 日暮れ; 夜陰. 【動詞+】 I attended the first night of the Globe
- worry 1worry n. 心配; 苦労の種, 心配事. 【動詞+】 alleviate sb's worry 人の心配を軽減する His
- at night at night 夜間 やかん
- can't sleep at night for worry 心配{しんぱい}で一睡{いっすい}もできない
- cannot get a good night's sleep
- cannot get a quiet night's sleep
- night's sleep 一夜の眠り
- worry through a sleepless night 一晩中{ひとばんじゅう}(眠らずに)悩む、一晩中悩んで寝られない
- cannot even sleep well
- cannot fall back to sleep
- cannot get a wink of sleep
- cannot get to sleep
- cannot sleep a wink